This dream has been finding its way back to me recently as I explore my future after college. In just a few months, I will be living within that same reoccurring dream. As I leave Oregon, wild haired Hannah will be wading down an unknown river, in search of something familiar that can help guide her towards her new home.
Over the past two years, I have gotten a stronger sense of where I would like to begin building a home among the flowers. I took these pictures when I was back down in the Capay Valley for my sisters wedding. Each time I find myself exploring the dream of making this property into a flower farm I get shivers. It would be my ultimate fairy farm.
Yet, just like a wise man (Dumbledore) said to a young Harry Potter...
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
So, I am keeping in mind that I will continue to grow, adapt, and have new dreams as the years come.
But, I will also work. And work. And work. And work. Because dreams are nothing without follow-through, and years of sweat, clipper wounds and tears.
Because just like my dream that I had countless times growing up, I never knew the exact direction of my home... or when I would get there, but I knew it was well worth the wait.
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