
Monday, March 31, 2014


A snapshot into the wedding is all I have today... as we wait patiently with our hands in our  pockets for more photos to surface from the most incredible weekend of life thus far. 
I was so honored to be a part of my sister and her husbands big day as they said their sweet vows to one another among family, friends and neighbors.
 I am so proud of both of them, and in awe of their ability to share love, and smile endlessly at the world around them. 
They are such an incredible vision of being dedicated to family, work, and play.
 I can not wait to see them grow more together over the years as they build a home, and life together.
 They are just beginning a long journey of laughter, songs, children and snuggles.
 Thank you for sharing this day with us Hallie and Diego, and thank you for believing in me, and my dreams.
You two inspire me everyday to continue living with honesty, passion and to keep dreaming of love. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

My First

 With my sister's wedding coming up, I have been thinking and looking back through all of my old floral photos trying to get a bit inspiration. While doing so, I came across all of the photos from the first wedding that I ever had the pleasure of designing for over two years ago. My dear friend, and teacher got married in Seattle Washington and put me in charge of the flower bouquets, arrangements and boutonnieres! I was set loose with a floral budget, the Pikes Place Market and a beautiful color scheme. I had an incredible time, and learned so much about what it takes to create a beautiful scene with just your hands, clippers and some ribbon... well, that and the most gorgeous flowers in the North West. I love the pictures, and the way that the sunshine brings out the brightest parts of the color wheel.

Friday, March 21, 2014

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

Today I tested out a few color combinations for my sister's wedding next weekend. 
Something about lace, lilacs and a little wild vetch makes my heart thump.
I honestly believe if someone was trying to make romance out of thin air, this would be the list of ingredients. 
Soft colors, smooth tulips, and a little faded lace and any grown man and women is bound to go weak in the knees for a while. 
Even my nephew, who is just beginning to understand the difference between tasting and smelling exclaimed a big "Oh Wow!" when I put the bouquet under his little nose. 
That is basically the highest form of success in my eyes.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring is Here!

As soon as I come back to the farm house at the end of our long driveway, I can feel myself sinking comfortably back into my old childhood habits. 
My feet instantly toughen up again as I forget to wear shoes on day and night time adventures. 
My hair gets tangled from branches, lack of showering and general forgetfulness. 
I fight with my siblings, in the best possible way. 
Just little jabs of fun that have the power to remind me that I am no longer the odd one out even though I live so far away. 
I snuggle with dogs and baby lambs, laugh with farm interns and forget to sleep in the excitement of being back in my own bed. 
Spring on the farm is what magic looks like. 
Fairies dance from lilac bush to peach blossoms. 
Fresh grass pops up from the ground making every inch of the valley look like a plush bed to lay in. 
The puffy clouds look more like cotton candy than condensation and birds sing their favorite songs, which you can't help but hum along to. 
The stars are a quilt of stories, and pearls that give way to the brightest moons, and shadows that hold deep secrets and wishes. 
Here. I am happy, and I have flowers.
Happy spring


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Surround Yourself

 When I decided that flowers were a definite part of my future, I actively started surrounding myself with them.
 It started with a small collection of flower and gardening books that I got from my grandmother, and slowly it has transformed my bedroom into a sanctuary of colors and smells.
 I am constantly searching for new unique books and vases to add to my growing collection. 
I pick a new flower each day as I walk home from campus to hang or bottle.
 I have recently started pressing flowers in my textbooks. 
I picture my life as this:
A wild weaving of the color wheel into my everyday life.
I wish to sleep among the flowers every night, just to wake up to realize they will accompany me where ever I go.
Someone once said that saying your dream out loud makes it more likely to come true. 
Well, I've been wishing on every passing dandelion and shooting star I see.