
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring is Here!

As soon as I come back to the farm house at the end of our long driveway, I can feel myself sinking comfortably back into my old childhood habits. 
My feet instantly toughen up again as I forget to wear shoes on day and night time adventures. 
My hair gets tangled from branches, lack of showering and general forgetfulness. 
I fight with my siblings, in the best possible way. 
Just little jabs of fun that have the power to remind me that I am no longer the odd one out even though I live so far away. 
I snuggle with dogs and baby lambs, laugh with farm interns and forget to sleep in the excitement of being back in my own bed. 
Spring on the farm is what magic looks like. 
Fairies dance from lilac bush to peach blossoms. 
Fresh grass pops up from the ground making every inch of the valley look like a plush bed to lay in. 
The puffy clouds look more like cotton candy than condensation and birds sing their favorite songs, which you can't help but hum along to. 
The stars are a quilt of stories, and pearls that give way to the brightest moons, and shadows that hold deep secrets and wishes. 
Here. I am happy, and I have flowers.
Happy spring


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